Our Local Offer & SEND Information


Our support for your child at Abbey Village Primary School

At Abbey Village we have high aspirations for all pupils. HIgh expectations and authentic relationships create a positive learning culture for all. Our rich, broad curriculum and learning experiences harness pupil's curiosity and desire to learn about the world. We are an inclusive school and endeavour to ensure that all of our learners have a voice and will receieve acceptance, respect and friendship from all - these rights are extended to all of our school community.  

Through our high quality teaching, we can quickly identify pupils that may be making slower progress than that of their peers. If pupils are identified as needing additional support in any areas, teachers follow the Graduated approach to address barriers to learning. Parents are informed of their child's progress by the Class Teacher at regular points throughout the year. If school have any concerns, these will be shared with families. If you have any concerns about your child's development, please do not hesitate to speak to their class teacher, in the first instance. 

Where there are concerns about SEND the SENDCO will work closely with staff, parents, pupils, external agencies and professionals to gather information and to agree the desired outcomes and next steps that are appropriate to the child. Meetings will be held at least 3 times a year with the SENDCO/Class Teacher to involve parents in planning and reviews of progress for children with SEND. At Abbey Village Primary, we use our best endeavours to make sure that children with SEND get the support that they need and that they engage in the activities of the school alongside their peers.

Staff are aware of the SEND needs in school and of the specific needs of children in their class. Staff receive high quality information and training so that they have the knowledge, understanding and skills to support pupils with SEND and they can discuss any concerns they have with the SENCO at any point in the school year.

Working within the guidance in the SEND Code of Practice (2014), our aim is to provide education for all in a nurturing and safe environment that develops children’s self-esteem and raises children’s aspirations by encouraging children with SEND to think about their life outcomes; including further or higher education, training or employment. We aim for children with SEND to fulfil their potential by achieving their best, becoming confident individuals and making successful transitions at every stage of their education.

Please see the documents on this page for more information about SEND and the ways in which school and home can support children with SEND. If you have any questions or concerns about SEND please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Shelley Bennett / Miss Cassandra Wharmby 

SENDCO                     NASENCO Award Holder 

Head Teacher 


Lancashire County Council Local Offer- http://www.lancashire.gov.uk/SEND


SEND Partnership information events - Lancashire County Council


If you require further information. Please find this link to the Spceial Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 

SEND_Code_of_Practice_January_2015.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

Click on the image  below to access the latest FIND newsletter

Family Information  Network Directory- FIND@lancashire.gov.uk 

                         find Autumn 2021.JPG



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