Sunnyhurst- Pre-School, Reception and Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Bateson

Welcome to Sunnyhurst class which is a mixed age infant class of pre-school, reception and year 1 children. We  promote self confident, happy, independent  learners .  We provide a very large, safe and stimulating environment indoors and outdoors.


Class teacher: Mrs Stephanie Bateson 

Learning Support Assistant:  Mrs Christine Williams

Support assisstants :  Miss Catherine Mansfield 


New Starter E Book- take a look at our welcome book for our new children: Abbey Village Primary School, Lancashire (  


Here are some of our routines:

Continuous Provision:  Our provision is developed with the children. We plan together sharing the children's ideas and interests. They are able to make choices and develop their own ideas. We aim to provide a wide variety of relevant and worthwhile experiences that will challenge children of all abilities, develop their knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum. 

PE  Our class PE lessons are on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. 

Homework: is given out on a Friday and is to be handed in by the following Friday. 

Phonics: We have a daily active phonics sesson which covers the statutory DfE regulated phonics using the Supersonic Phonics Friends Scheme. Children have many opportunities to practise their phonics in provision provided throughout the classroom. 

Supersonic Phonics- Parent Information

Reading:  Children  have a group guided reading session with their teacher to develop new reading skills and comprehension skills.  We aim to read with each pupil each week.  Children are encouraged to read daily with an adult at home. 

Spelling:  Children in year 1 learn spellings each week.  Please practise 3 times ready for a spelling quiz on Friday. 

Year 1 spellings 

 How you can help.

  •  Reading with your child as often as possible.
  • Discussing their book,  asking them questions about what they have  read .
  • Sharing a range of other reading material, sharing a book where your child reads  and you read to them.
  • Encourage your child to bring their reading book every day.
  • Supporting your child with their weekly homework and encouraging them to hand it in on time.
  • Help them to learn their spellings.
  • Play number games and help them to learn their numbers to 20.
  •  Come in to discuss any queries or problems that may have arisen, after school as is necessary.
  •  Come in to share our topic days with the children.



To keep up to date with what is happening in Sunnyhurst , follow us onTwitter 




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Daffodil Doddle, by Mrs Tildsley

St Patricks Day, by Mrs Tildsley

Parents Evening, by Mrs Tildsley

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