Roddlesworth- Years 4, 5 & 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Hopkins

Ms Mansfield

Welcome to Roddlesworth class. 

We are a mixed age class of Year 4, 5 and 6 children. We aim to make learning engaging, challenging and supportive for all. The learning environment is well structured and prepares the older children for their transition on to secondary school. 

When children reach Roddlesworth class they are trusted with responsibility in school. This allows the children to mature, grow in confidence and self-esteem and become good role models for the younger children. 

We have an ethos of mutual respect between staff and children in class which promotes a happy, harmonious environment to work in. We believe that in order for this to happen, each and every member of our class must uphold our eight core values.


Class teacher: Miss Rachel Hopkins

1:1 Learning Support Assistant: Miss. Catherine Mansfield


2 sessions per week 

Session1 - Monday Afternoon

Session 2- Thursday Afternoon 

Please ensure your child/children have their PE kit for both of these sessions.


On these days, the children will need to bring their allotment clothes in a bag and come to school in their uniform. As the weather becomes warmer, it is important to consider sending your child in with appropriate clothing as there is very little shade in our outdoor classroom. Here is a list of suitable clothing suggestions: 

  • Suitable outdoor shoes/ wellies
  • Waterproof coat
  • Gloves (preferably gardening gloves)
  • Suitable clothes for the weather
  • Sun hat
  • Suncream

Homework, spellings and reading 

Homework is sent out weekly on a Friday and consists of Reading, Grammar, and Mathematics. The tasks given weekly are to further consolidate the learning that has taken place throughout the week and gives your child the opportunity to practise their new learnt skills and apply the new knowledge they have learnt throughout the week to the tasks given. Homework is to be handed in the following Thursday. 

Spellings will also be sent home on a Friday in the form of a particular spelling pattern. The children are expected to explore words including this particular pattern and will be tested on 10 words containing the pattern on the following Friday. It is of the child's responsibility to explore the spelling pattern and will be given the opportunity to practise during the school day, as well as practising at home. 

It is imperative that your child spends time reading during the week and we encourage you to discuss the books and vocabulary with them. Although many of our Year 4, 5 and 6 children are independent readers, it is still important for them to complete their reading records and have this signed by a parent/ guardian when the reading has taken place. All children who read each night throughout the week and have their reading diary signed by a parent/ guardian will recieve a special treat on Friday for their dedication shown to reading! 

How you can help at home:

  • Read with your child as often as possible and question them about tricky vocabulary and events in the story. 
  • Support your child with their homework. 
  • Play number games such as Times Table Rockstars or Numbots at home.
  • Engage in the subjects being taught in school at home to motivate and excite your children (These topics can be seen on the half term topic web) 


Times tables

Times tables knowledge is vitally important and can support your child in all areas of Mathematics. Therefore, it is imperative that child can recite their times tables with accuracy and efficiently. Times tables can be practised on Purplemash (all children have their own login in order to access this).


Key dates 2024 

Year 4 - Multiplication tables check

Schools must administer the multiplication tables check within the 2-week period from Monday 3 June 2024.


Year 6 - Key stage 2 tests

The statutory key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 13 May to Thursday 16 May 2024.


If you would like any further information about how you can help support your child/ children at home or any information in regard to the above key dates, please do not hesitate to make contact.


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Roddlesworth- Years 4, 5 & 6: Calendar items

Spring Term 2 Begins, by Mrs Tildsley

Daffodil Doddle, by Mrs Tildsley

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